Organic peppermint

CHF 10.10

Mentha piperita

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The Greek god Pluto had fallen in love with the beautiful nymph Mentha. Persephone, his wife, crushed the beautiful girl to the ground. To save what was left to be saved, Pluto transformed the beautiful Mentha into a fragrant plant, from which he could now inhale the delicious scent at any moment.

Additional information

Nom botanique

Mentha piperita

Familles et composants biochimiques

Monoterpenols (30-50%): menthol
Terpene oxides (26%): 1,8-cineole, menthofuran
Monoterpenic ketones (20-30%): menthone, pulegone
Terpene esters: menthyl acetate (2-10%)Sesquiterpenes (2%)

Notes olfactives



10 ml, 5 ml

Précautions d’emploi

● Caution: this essential oil is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or for children under 6 years of age, except on the advice of a professional.
● It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or epilepsy (consult a professional).
● Highly refreshing, it can cause hypothermia when applied to the skin.
◦ extensive areas.
● Never use pure essential oils orally or on the skin, except on the advice of a professional.
● Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
● Store away from light and heat.